Catoptrophorus semipalmatus
Willet  Catoptrophorus semipalmatus

A large sandpiper of the interior West and ocean beaches the Willet has two distinct populations.  Known by its piercing calls and the flashing black and white wings it is the only North American sandpiper whose breeding range extends southward to the tropics.
Western Willets breed in open country freshwater habitats and are slightly larger and paler gray.   Eastern Willets prefer salt water marshes of the Gulf and Atlantic coasts and have stouter bills with more barring on their chest and back.
Probing in the mud foraging on shores for insects, crustaceans and marine worms, it nests in colonies especially along the Atlantic coast.
Eastern populations that were severely reduced by the late 19th century have recovered well.

Copyright Mark Tiefenbach
Deepbrook Nature Photography
Copyright Mark Tiefenbach
Deepbrook Nature Photography
Copyright Mark Tiefenbach
Deepbrook Nature Photography